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- /*
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997
- * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- */
- /* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
- * You should not attempt to use it directly.
- */
- /* Class invariants:
- * For any nonsingular iterator i:
- * i.node is the address of an element in the map array. The
- * contents of i.node is a pointer to the beginning of a node.
- * i.first == *(i.node)
- * i.last == i.first + node_size
- * i.cur is a pointer in the range [i.first, i.last). NOTE:
- * the implication of this is that i.cur is always a dereferenceable
- * pointer, even if i is a past-the-end iterator.
- * Start and Finish are always nonsingular iterators. NOTE: this means
- * that an empty deque must have one node, and that a deque
- * with N elements, where N is the buffer size, must have two nodes.
- * For every node other than start.node and finish.node, every element
- * in the node is an initialized object. If start.node == finish.node,
- * then [start.cur, finish.cur) are initialized objects, and
- * the elements outside that range are uninitialized storage. Otherwise,
- * [start.cur, start.last) and [finish.first, finish.cur) are initialized
- * objects, and [start.first, start.cur) and [finish.cur, finish.last)
- * are uninitialized storage.
- * [map, map + map_size) is a valid, non-empty range.
- * [start.node, finish.node] is a valid range contained within
- * [map, map + map_size).
- * A pointer in the range [map, map + map_size) points to an allocated
- * node if and only if the pointer is in the range [start.node, finish.node].
- */
- /*
- * In previous versions of deque, node_size was fixed by the
- * implementation. In this version, however, users can select
- * the node size. Deque has three template parameters; the third,
- * a number of type size_t, is the number of elements per node.
- * If the third template parameter is 0 (which is the default),
- * then deque will use a default node size.
- *
- * The only reason for using an alternate node size is if your application
- * requires a different performance tradeoff than the default. If,
- * for example, your program contains many deques each of which contains
- * only a few elements, then you might want to save memory (possibly
- * by sacrificing some speed) by using smaller nodes.
- *
- * Unfortunately, some compilers have trouble with non-type template
- * parameters; stl_config.h defines __STL_NON_TYPE_TMPL_PARAM_BUG if
- * that is the case. If your compiler is one of them, then you will
- * not be able to use alternate node sizes; you will have to use the
- * default value.
- */
- #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
- #pragma set woff 1174
- #endif
- // Note: this function is simply a kludge to work around several compilers'
- // bugs in handling constant expressions.
- inline size_t __deque_buf_size(size_t n, size_t sz)
- {
- return n != 0 ? n : (sz < 512 ? size_t(512 / sz) : size_t(1));
- }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr, size_t BufSiz>
- struct __deque_iterator {
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, T&, T*, BufSiz> iterator;
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, BufSiz> const_iterator;
- static size_t buffer_size() {return __deque_buf_size(BufSiz, sizeof(T)); }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
- struct __deque_iterator {
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
- static size_t buffer_size() {return __deque_buf_size(0, sizeof(T)); }
- #endif
- typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef Ptr pointer;
- typedef Ref reference;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef T** map_pointer;
- typedef __deque_iterator self;
- T* cur;
- T* first;
- T* last;
- map_pointer node;
- __deque_iterator(T* x, map_pointer y)
- : cur(x), first(*y), last(*y + buffer_size()), node(y) {}
- __deque_iterator() : cur(0), first(0), last(0), node(0) {}
- __deque_iterator(const iterator& x)
- : cur(x.cur), first(x.first), last(x.last), node(x.node) {}
- reference operator*() const { return *cur; }
- pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
- #endif /* __SGI_STL_NO_ARROW_OPERATOR */
- difference_type operator-(const self& x) const {
- return difference_type(buffer_size()) * (node - x.node - 1) +
- (cur - first) + (x.last - x.cur);
- }
- self& operator++() {
- ++cur;
- if (cur == last) {
- set_node(node + 1);
- cur = first;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- self operator++(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- self& operator--() {
- if (cur == first) {
- set_node(node - 1);
- cur = last;
- }
- --cur;
- return *this;
- }
- self operator--(int) {
- self tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- self& operator+=(difference_type n) {
- difference_type offset = n + (cur - first);
- if (offset >= 0 && offset < difference_type(buffer_size()))
- cur += n;
- else {
- difference_type node_offset =
- offset > 0 ? offset / difference_type(buffer_size())
- : -difference_type((-offset - 1) / buffer_size()) - 1;
- set_node(node + node_offset);
- cur = first + (offset - node_offset * difference_type(buffer_size()));
- }
- return *this;
- }
- self operator+(difference_type n) const {
- self tmp = *this;
- return tmp += n;
- }
- self& operator-=(difference_type n) { return *this += -n; }
- self operator-(difference_type n) const {
- self tmp = *this;
- return tmp -= n;
- }
- reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return *(*this + n); }
- bool operator==(const self& x) const { return cur == x.cur; }
- bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return !(*this == x); }
- bool operator<(const self& x) const {
- return (node == x.node) ? (cur < x.cur) : (node < x.node);
- }
- void set_node(map_pointer new_node) {
- node = new_node;
- first = *new_node;
- last = first + difference_type(buffer_size());
- }
- };
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr, size_t BufSiz>
- inline random_access_iterator_tag
- iterator_category(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, BufSiz>&) {
- return random_access_iterator_tag();
- }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr, size_t BufSiz>
- inline T* value_type(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, BufSiz>&) {
- return 0;
- }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr, size_t BufSiz>
- inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr, BufSiz>&) {
- return 0;
- }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
- inline random_access_iterator_tag
- iterator_category(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
- return random_access_iterator_tag();
- }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
- inline T* value_type(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) { return 0; }
- template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
- inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const __deque_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr>&) {
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* __STL_NON_TYPE_TMPL_PARAM_BUG */
- // See __deque_buf_size(). The only reason that the default value is 0
- // is as a workaround for bugs in the way that some compilers handle
- // constant expressions.
- template <class T, class Alloc = alloc, size_t BufSiz = 0>
- class deque {
- public: // Basic types
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef value_type* pointer;
- typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
- typedef value_type& reference;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- public: // Iterators
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, T&, T*, BufSiz> iterator;
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, const T&, const T&, BufSiz> const_iterator;
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
- typedef __deque_iterator<T, const T&, const T*> const_iterator;
- #endif /* __STL_NON_TYPE_TMPL_PARAM_BUG */
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator, value_type, const_reference,
- difference_type>
- const_reverse_iterator;
- typedef reverse_iterator<iterator, value_type, reference, difference_type>
- reverse_iterator;
- protected: // Internal typedefs
- typedef pointer* map_pointer;
- typedef simple_alloc<value_type, Alloc> data_allocator;
- typedef simple_alloc<pointer, Alloc> map_allocator;
- static size_type buffer_size() {
- return __deque_buf_size(BufSiz, sizeof(value_type));
- }
- static size_type initial_map_size() { return 8; }
- protected: // Data members
- iterator start;
- iterator finish;
- map_pointer map;
- size_type map_size;
- public: // Basic accessors
- iterator begin() { return start; }
- iterator end() { return finish; }
- const_iterator begin() const { return start; }
- const_iterator end() const { return finish; }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(finish); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(start); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(finish);
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(start);
- }
- reference operator[](size_type n) { return start[difference_type(n)]; }
- const_reference operator[](size_type n) const {
- return start[difference_type(n)];
- }
- reference front() { return *start; }
- reference back() {
- iterator tmp = finish;
- --tmp;
- return *tmp;
- }
- const_reference front() const { return *start; }
- const_reference back() const {
- const_iterator tmp = finish;
- --tmp;
- return *tmp;
- }
- size_type size() const { return finish - start;; }
- size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
- bool empty() const { return finish == start; }
- public: // Constructor, destructor.
- deque()
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- create_map_and_nodes(0);
- }
- deque(const deque& x)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- create_map_and_nodes(x.size());
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(x.begin(), x.end(), start);
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_map_and_nodes());
- }
- deque(size_type n, const value_type& value)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- fill_initialize(n, value);
- }
- deque(int n, const value_type& value)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- fill_initialize(n, value);
- }
- deque(long n, const value_type& value)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- fill_initialize(n, value);
- }
- explicit deque(size_type n)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- fill_initialize(n, value_type());
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- deque(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- range_initialize(first, last, iterator_category(first));
- }
- #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- deque(const value_type* first, const value_type* last)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- create_map_and_nodes(last - first);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, start);
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_map_and_nodes());
- }
- deque(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
- : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
- {
- create_map_and_nodes(last - first);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, start);
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_map_and_nodes());
- }
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- ~deque() {
- destroy(start, finish);
- destroy_map_and_nodes();
- }
- deque& operator= (const deque& x) {
- const size_type len = size();
- if (&x != this) {
- if (len >= x.size())
- erase(copy(x.begin(), x.end(), start), finish);
- else {
- const_iterator mid = x.begin() + difference_type(len);
- copy(x.begin(), mid, start);
- insert(finish, mid, x.end());
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void swap(deque& x) {
- __STD::swap(start, x.start);
- __STD::swap(finish, x.finish);
- __STD::swap(map, x.map);
- __STD::swap(map_size, x.map_size);
- }
- public: // push_* and pop_*
- void push_back(const value_type& t) {
- if (finish.cur != finish.last - 1) {
- construct(finish.cur, t);
- ++finish.cur;
- }
- else
- push_back_aux(t);
- }
- void push_front(const value_type& t) {
- if (start.cur != start.first) {
- construct(start.cur - 1, t);
- --start.cur;
- }
- else
- push_front_aux(t);
- }
- void pop_back() {
- if (finish.cur != finish.first) {
- --finish.cur;
- destroy(finish.cur);
- }
- else
- pop_back_aux();
- }
- void pop_front() {
- if (start.cur != start.last - 1) {
- destroy(start.cur);
- ++start.cur;
- }
- else
- pop_front_aux();
- }
- public: // Insert
- iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& x) {
- if (position.cur == start.cur) {
- push_front(x);
- return start;
- }
- else if (position.cur == finish.cur) {
- push_back(x);
- iterator tmp = finish;
- --tmp;
- return tmp;
- }
- else {
- return insert_aux(position, x);
- }
- }
- iterator insert(iterator position) { return insert(position, value_type()); }
- void insert(iterator pos, size_type n, const value_type& x);
- void insert(iterator pos, int n, const value_type& x) {
- insert(pos, (size_type) n, x);
- }
- void insert(iterator pos, long n, const value_type& x) {
- insert(pos, (size_type) n, x);
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert(iterator pos, InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
- insert(pos, first, last, iterator_category(first));
- }
- #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- void insert(iterator pos, const value_type* first, const value_type* last);
- void insert(iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- void resize(size_type new_size, const value_type& x) {
- const size_type len = size();
- if (new_size < len)
- erase(start + new_size, finish);
- else
- insert(finish, new_size - len, x);
- }
- void resize(size_type new_size) { resize(new_size, value_type()); }
- public: // Erase
- iterator erase(iterator pos) {
- iterator next = pos;
- ++next;
- difference_type index = pos - start;
- if (index < (size() >> 1)) {
- copy_backward(start, pos, next);
- pop_front();
- }
- else {
- copy(next, finish, pos);
- pop_back();
- }
- return start + index;
- }
- iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
- void clear();
- protected: // Internal construction/destruction
- void create_map_and_nodes(size_type num_elements);
- void destroy_map_and_nodes();
- void fill_initialize(size_type n, const value_type& value);
- template <class InputIterator>
- void range_initialize(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- input_iterator_tag);
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void range_initialize(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- forward_iterator_tag);
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- protected: // Internal push_* and pop_*
- void push_back_aux(const value_type& t);
- void push_front_aux(const value_type& t);
- void pop_back_aux();
- void pop_front_aux();
- protected: // Internal insert functions
- template <class InputIterator>
- void insert(iterator pos, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- input_iterator_tag);
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void insert(iterator pos, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- forward_iterator_tag);
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- iterator insert_aux(iterator pos, const value_type& x);
- void insert_aux(iterator pos, size_type n, const value_type& x);
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void insert_aux(iterator pos, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
- size_type n);
- #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- void insert_aux(iterator pos,
- const value_type* first, const value_type* last,
- size_type n);
- void insert_aux(iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last,
- size_type n);
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- iterator reserve_elements_at_front(size_type n) {
- size_type vacancies = start.cur - start.first;
- if (n > vacancies)
- new_elements_at_front(n - vacancies);
- return start - difference_type(n);
- }
- iterator reserve_elements_at_back(size_type n) {
- size_type vacancies = (finish.last - finish.cur) - 1;
- if (n > vacancies)
- new_elements_at_back(n - vacancies);
- return finish + difference_type(n);
- }
- void new_elements_at_front(size_type new_elements);
- void new_elements_at_back(size_type new_elements);
- void destroy_nodes_at_front(iterator before_start);
- void destroy_nodes_at_back(iterator after_finish);
- protected: // Allocation of map and nodes
- // Makes sure the map has space for new nodes. Does not actually
- // add the nodes. Can invalidate map pointers. (And consequently,
- // deque iterators.)
- void reserve_map_at_back (size_type nodes_to_add = 1) {
- if (nodes_to_add + 1 > map_size - (finish.node - map))
- reallocate_map(nodes_to_add, false);
- }
- void reserve_map_at_front (size_type nodes_to_add = 1) {
- if (nodes_to_add > start.node - map)
- reallocate_map(nodes_to_add, true);
- }
- void reallocate_map(size_type nodes_to_add, bool add_at_front);
- pointer allocate_node() { return data_allocator::allocate(buffer_size()); }
- void deallocate_node(pointer n) {
- data_allocator::deallocate(n, buffer_size());
- }
- public:
- bool operator==(const deque<T, Alloc, 0>& x) const {
- return size() == x.size() && equal(begin(), end(), x.begin());
- }
- bool operator!=(const deque<T, Alloc, 0>& x) const {
- return size() != x.size() || !equal(begin(), end(), x.begin());
- }
- bool operator<(const deque<T, Alloc, 0>& x) const {
- return lexicographical_compare(begin(), end(), x.begin(), x.end());
- }
- #endif /* __STL_NON_TYPE_TMPL_PARAM_BUG */
- };
- // Non-inline member functions
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert(iterator pos,
- size_type n, const value_type& x) {
- if (pos.cur == start.cur) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- uninitialized_fill(new_start, start, x);
- start = new_start;
- }
- else if (pos.cur == finish.cur) {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- uninitialized_fill(finish, new_finish, x);
- finish = new_finish;
- }
- else
- insert_aux(pos, n, x);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert(iterator pos,
- const value_type* first,
- const value_type* last) {
- size_type n = last - first;
- if (pos.cur == start.cur) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else if (pos.cur == finish.cur) {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- else
- insert_aux(pos, first, last, n);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert(iterator pos,
- const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last)
- {
- size_type n = last - first;
- if (pos.cur == start.cur) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else if (pos.cur == finish.cur) {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- else
- insert_aux(pos, first, last, n);
- }
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::iterator
- deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- if (first == start && last == finish) {
- clear();
- return finish;
- }
- else {
- difference_type n = last - first;
- difference_type elems_before = first - start;
- if (elems_before < (size() - n) / 2) {
- copy_backward(start, first, last);
- iterator new_start = start + n;
- destroy(start, new_start);
- for (map_pointer cur = start.node; cur < new_start.node; ++cur)
- data_allocator::deallocate(*cur, buffer_size());
- start = new_start;
- }
- else {
- copy(last, finish, first);
- iterator new_finish = finish - n;
- destroy(new_finish, finish);
- for (map_pointer cur = new_finish.node + 1; cur <= finish.node; ++cur)
- data_allocator::deallocate(*cur, buffer_size());
- finish = new_finish;
- }
- return start + elems_before;
- }
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::clear() {
- for (map_pointer node = start.node + 1; node < finish.node; ++node) {
- destroy(*node, *node + buffer_size());
- data_allocator::deallocate(*node, buffer_size());
- }
- if (start.node != finish.node) {
- destroy(start.cur, start.last);
- destroy(finish.first, finish.cur);
- data_allocator::deallocate(finish.first, buffer_size());
- }
- else
- destroy(start.cur, finish.cur);
- finish = start;
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::create_map_and_nodes(size_type num_elements) {
- size_type num_nodes = num_elements / buffer_size() + 1;
- map_size = max(initial_map_size(), num_nodes + 2);
- map = map_allocator::allocate(map_size);
- map_pointer nstart = map + (map_size - num_nodes) / 2;
- map_pointer nfinish = nstart + num_nodes - 1;
- map_pointer cur;
- __STL_TRY {
- for (cur = nstart; cur <= nfinish; ++cur)
- *cur = allocate_node();
- }
- catch(...) {
- for (map_pointer n = nstart; n < cur; ++n)
- deallocate_node(*n);
- map_allocator::deallocate(map, map_size);
- throw;
- }
- # endif /* __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
- start.set_node(nstart);
- finish.set_node(nfinish);
- start.cur = start.first;
- finish.cur = finish.first + num_elements % buffer_size();
- }
- // This is only used as a cleanup function in catch clauses.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::destroy_map_and_nodes() {
- for (map_pointer cur = start.node; cur <= finish.node; ++cur)
- deallocate_node(*cur);
- map_allocator::deallocate(map, map_size);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::fill_initialize(size_type n,
- const value_type& value) {
- create_map_and_nodes(n);
- map_pointer cur;
- __STL_TRY {
- for (cur = start.node; cur < finish.node; ++cur)
- uninitialized_fill(*cur, *cur + buffer_size(), value);
- uninitialized_fill(finish.first, finish.cur, value);
- }
- catch(...) {
- for (map_pointer n = start.node; n < cur; ++n)
- destroy(*n, *n + buffer_size());
- destroy_map_and_nodes();
- throw;
- }
- # endif /* __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- template <class InputIterator>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::range_initialize(InputIterator first,
- InputIterator last,
- input_iterator_tag) {
- create_map_and_nodes(0);
- for ( ; first != last; ++first)
- push_back(*first);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::range_initialize(ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- create_map_and_nodes(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, start);
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_map_and_nodes());
- }
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- // Called only if finish.cur == finish.last - 1.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::push_back_aux(const value_type& t) {
- value_type t_copy = t;
- reserve_map_at_back();
- *(finish.node + 1) = allocate_node();
- __STL_TRY {
- construct(finish.cur, t_copy);
- finish.set_node(finish.node + 1);
- finish.cur = finish.first;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(deallocate_node(*(finish.node + 1)));
- }
- // Called only if start.cur == start.first.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::push_front_aux(const value_type& t) {
- value_type t_copy = t;
- reserve_map_at_front();
- *(start.node - 1) = allocate_node();
- __STL_TRY {
- start.set_node(start.node - 1);
- start.cur = start.last - 1;
- construct(start.cur, t_copy);
- }
- catch(...) {
- start.set_node(start.node + 1);
- start.cur = start.first;
- deallocate_node(*(start.node - 1));
- throw;
- }
- # endif /* __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
- }
- // Called only if finish.cur == finish.first.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>:: pop_back_aux() {
- deallocate_node(finish.first);
- finish.set_node(finish.node - 1);
- finish.cur = finish.last - 1;
- destroy(finish.cur);
- }
- // Called only if start.cur == start.last - 1. Note that if the deque
- // has at least one element (a necessary precondition for this member
- // function), and if start.cur == start.last, then the deque must have
- // at least two nodes.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::pop_front_aux() {
- destroy(start.cur);
- deallocate_node(start.first);
- start.set_node(start.node + 1);
- start.cur = start.first;
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- template <class InputIterator>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert(iterator pos,
- InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- input_iterator_tag) {
- copy(first, last, inserter(*this, pos));
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert(iterator pos,
- ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- forward_iterator_tag) {
- size_type n = 0;
- distance(first, last, n);
- if (pos.cur == start.cur) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else if (pos.cur == finish.cur) {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- __STL_TRY {
- uninitialized_copy(first, last, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- else
- insert_aux(pos, first, last, n);
- }
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- typename deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::iterator
- deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert_aux(iterator pos, const value_type& x) {
- difference_type index = pos - start;
- value_type x_copy = x;
- if (index < size() / 2) {
- push_front(front());
- iterator front1 = start;
- ++front1;
- iterator front2 = front1;
- ++front2;
- pos = start + index;
- iterator pos1 = pos;
- ++pos1;
- copy(front2, pos1, front1);
- }
- else {
- push_back(back());
- iterator back1 = finish;
- --back1;
- iterator back2 = back1;
- --back2;
- pos = start + index;
- copy_backward(pos, back2, back1);
- }
- *pos = x_copy;
- return pos;
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert_aux(iterator pos,
- size_type n, const value_type& x) {
- const difference_type elems_before = pos - start;
- size_type length = size();
- value_type x_copy = x;
- if (elems_before < length / 2) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- iterator old_start = start;
- pos = start + elems_before;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_before >= difference_type(n)) {
- iterator start_n = start + difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(start, start_n, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(start_n, pos, old_start);
- fill(pos - difference_type(n), pos, x_copy);
- }
- else {
- __uninitialized_copy_fill(start, pos, new_start, start, x_copy);
- start = new_start;
- fill(old_start, pos, x_copy);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- iterator old_finish = finish;
- const difference_type elems_after = difference_type(length) - elems_before;
- pos = finish - elems_after;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_after > difference_type(n)) {
- iterator finish_n = finish - difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(finish_n, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy_backward(pos, finish_n, old_finish);
- fill(pos, pos + difference_type(n), x_copy);
- }
- else {
- __uninitialized_fill_copy(finish, pos + difference_type(n),
- x_copy,
- pos, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- fill(pos, old_finish, x_copy);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- template <class ForwardIterator>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert_aux(iterator pos,
- ForwardIterator first,
- ForwardIterator last,
- size_type n)
- {
- const difference_type elems_before = pos - start;
- size_type length = size();
- if (elems_before < length / 2) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- iterator old_start = start;
- pos = start + elems_before;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_before >= difference_type(n)) {
- iterator start_n = start + difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(start, start_n, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(start_n, pos, old_start);
- copy(first, last, pos - difference_type(n));
- }
- else {
- ForwardIterator mid = first;
- advance(mid, difference_type(n) - elems_before);
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(start, pos, first, mid, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(mid, last, old_start);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- iterator old_finish = finish;
- const difference_type elems_after = difference_type(length) - elems_before;
- pos = finish - elems_after;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_after > difference_type(n)) {
- iterator finish_n = finish - difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(finish_n, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy_backward(pos, finish_n, old_finish);
- copy(first, last, pos);
- }
- else {
- ForwardIterator mid = first;
- advance(mid, elems_after);
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(mid, last, pos, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy(first, mid, pos);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- }
- #else /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert_aux(iterator pos,
- const value_type* first,
- const value_type* last,
- size_type n)
- {
- const difference_type elems_before = pos - start;
- size_type length = size();
- if (elems_before < length / 2) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- iterator old_start = start;
- pos = start + elems_before;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_before >= difference_type(n)) {
- iterator start_n = start + difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(start, start_n, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(start_n, pos, old_start);
- copy(first, last, pos - difference_type(n));
- }
- else {
- const value_type* mid = first + (difference_type(n) - elems_before);
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(start, pos, first, mid, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(mid, last, old_start);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- iterator old_finish = finish;
- const difference_type elems_after = difference_type(length) - elems_before;
- pos = finish - elems_after;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_after > difference_type(n)) {
- iterator finish_n = finish - difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(finish_n, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy_backward(pos, finish_n, old_finish);
- copy(first, last, pos);
- }
- else {
- const value_type* mid = first + elems_after;
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(mid, last, pos, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy(first, mid, pos);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::insert_aux(iterator pos,
- const_iterator first,
- const_iterator last,
- size_type n)
- {
- const difference_type elems_before = pos - start;
- size_type length = size();
- if (elems_before < length / 2) {
- iterator new_start = reserve_elements_at_front(n);
- iterator old_start = start;
- pos = start + elems_before;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_before >= n) {
- iterator start_n = start + n;
- uninitialized_copy(start, start_n, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(start_n, pos, old_start);
- copy(first, last, pos - difference_type(n));
- }
- else {
- const_iterator mid = first + (n - elems_before);
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(start, pos, first, mid, new_start);
- start = new_start;
- copy(mid, last, old_start);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_front(new_start));
- }
- else {
- iterator new_finish = reserve_elements_at_back(n);
- iterator old_finish = finish;
- const difference_type elems_after = length - elems_before;
- pos = finish - elems_after;
- __STL_TRY {
- if (elems_after > n) {
- iterator finish_n = finish - difference_type(n);
- uninitialized_copy(finish_n, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy_backward(pos, finish_n, old_finish);
- copy(first, last, pos);
- }
- else {
- const_iterator mid = first + elems_after;
- __uninitialized_copy_copy(mid, last, pos, finish, finish);
- finish = new_finish;
- copy(first, mid, pos);
- }
- }
- __STL_UNWIND(destroy_nodes_at_back(new_finish));
- }
- }
- #endif /* __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::new_elements_at_front(size_type new_elements) {
- size_type new_nodes = (new_elements + buffer_size() - 1) / buffer_size();
- reserve_map_at_front(new_nodes);
- size_type i;
- __STL_TRY {
- for (i = 1; i <= new_nodes; ++i)
- *(start.node - i) = allocate_node();
- }
- catch(...) {
- for (size_type j = 1; j < i; ++j)
- deallocate_node(*(start.node - j));
- throw;
- }
- # endif /* __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::new_elements_at_back(size_type new_elements) {
- size_type new_nodes = (new_elements + buffer_size() - 1) / buffer_size();
- reserve_map_at_back(new_nodes);
- size_type i;
- __STL_TRY {
- for (i = 1; i <= new_nodes; ++i)
- *(finish.node + i) = allocate_node();
- }
- catch(...) {
- for (size_type j = 1; j < i; ++j)
- deallocate_node(*(finish.node + j));
- throw;
- }
- # endif /* __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::destroy_nodes_at_front(iterator before_start) {
- for (map_pointer n = before_start.node; n < start.node; ++n)
- deallocate_node(*n);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::destroy_nodes_at_back(iterator after_finish) {
- for (map_pointer n = after_finish.node; n > finish.node; --n)
- deallocate_node(*n);
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSize>
- void deque<T, Alloc, BufSize>::reallocate_map(size_type nodes_to_add,
- bool add_at_front) {
- size_type old_num_nodes = finish.node - start.node + 1;
- size_type new_num_nodes = old_num_nodes + nodes_to_add;
- map_pointer new_nstart;
- if (map_size > 2 * new_num_nodes) {
- new_nstart = map + (map_size - new_num_nodes) / 2
- + (add_at_front ? nodes_to_add : 0);
- if (new_nstart < start.node)
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart);
- else
- copy_backward(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart + old_num_nodes);
- }
- else {
- size_type new_map_size = map_size + max(map_size, nodes_to_add) + 2;
- map_pointer new_map = map_allocator::allocate(new_map_size);
- new_nstart = new_map + (new_map_size - new_num_nodes) / 2
- + (add_at_front ? nodes_to_add : 0);
- copy(start.node, finish.node + 1, new_nstart);
- map_allocator::deallocate(map, map_size);
- map = new_map;
- map_size = new_map_size;
- }
- start.set_node(new_nstart);
- finish.set_node(new_nstart + old_num_nodes - 1);
- }
- // Nonmember functions.
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSiz>
- bool operator==(const deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& x,
- const deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& y) {
- return x.size() == y.size() && equal(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
- }
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSiz>
- bool operator<(const deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& x,
- const deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& y) {
- return lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end());
- }
- #endif /* __STL_NON_TYPE_TMPL_PARAM_BUG */
- template <class T, class Alloc, size_t BufSiz>
- inline void swap(deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& x, deque<T, Alloc, BufSiz>& y) {
- x.swap(y);
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(__GNUC__) && (_MIPS_SIM != _MIPS_SIM_ABI32)
- #pragma reset woff 1174
- #endif
- #endif /* __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_DEQUE_H */
- // Local Variables:
- // mode:C++
- // End: